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Regina Hansen


Taken at my Home

June 22, 2017

Regina Hansen

Regina's greatest riches are God, family and friends. Her life's mission is to bring the message of salvation to the lost, and to encourage those who are already in Christ Jesus. Regina and her husband Wayne have been married nearly 32 years and currently reside in Devon, Alberta, Canada.

Regina Hansen
ISBN 9781490845685

The relationship of a new creation in Jesus is exclusive to Him. Relationships with sin, the flesh, and the devil are forsaken for our glorious Savior. The true bride of Christ is clothed by Jesus with His righteousness and adorned with His holiness. He gave her a gown that is pure, whiter than freshly fallen snow. His bride guards her dress from being stained by sin. She guards her relationship with Jesus by keeping her heart and mind fixed on Him and His Word. She rejoices in obeying her Master's commands and exudes in serving His servants. Her hands extend upward to heaven in prayer and then reach outward to her neighbors in loving acts of kindness. Her lips confidently and unabashedly speak truth. Her tongue sings praises to God and she makes music to the Lord with all kinds of instruments. She visits the sick and the lonely. She provides clothing to the poor and food for the hungry. She rebuilds that which is broken and finds that which is lost. She releases prisoners from captivity. Her heart is faithful. She allows no room for compromise. This is the church that Jesus is coming to take home with Him. For "Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless" (Ephesians 5:25-27). To love Him is to obey Him. To believe in Him is to obey Him. Obedience is worship at its core. This book presents each of us with an opportunity to search our own hearts and answer the Lord's question, "Why do you call Me Lord?"

Check out the Author on GoodReads Regina Hansen (Editor of Cultural Conversations) | Goodreads

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