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Lynn Link

Autobiography, Non-Fiction

Taken at Alberta Beach Farmers' Market

June 18, 2017

Lynn Link

Laurette Lynn has been around horses all her life. Even though she was born in the city of Edmonton, in Alberta, there were 45 head of horses right across her street. Naturally she was with those horses from the time she was a very young child.

For a period during her teen years she was homeless, in hiding, living in the woods with her dog near a horse ranch where she hung out. As a young adult , she worked on horse and cattle ranches where she had various adventures.

Laurette Lynn has always needed to have horses with her, and despite other adverse personal circumstances, she just seemed to follow a path which led to a successful equestrian career. She developed a reputable horse ranch, becoming a professional horse trainer, instructor, and breeder and a certified international and national senior horse judge.

As time passed several people suggested she should write a book about her life with horses and her Training Techniques. After selling her ranch she decided that maybe she should share her experiences.

Herein are over 175 stories of adventures, humour, love and sorrow and the ultimate insight horses shared with Laurette Lynn.

Lynn Link
ISBN 9780973041705

If we have guardian angels.
Then sometimes mine were animals.
My horses gave me solace.
My dogs gave me courage

Check out the author on GoodReads here; Laurette-Lynn Link (Author of Horseface 50 Years with Horses and Our True Stories) | Goodreads

Horseface 50 Years with Horses and Our True Stories Review

If I were to sum up this book into one word it would have to be, Heart. I'm glad I've had the chance to read this book.

The color design is actually really nice. The blueish grey background really makes the picture pop, which makes the title play off the white of the picture. You really couldn't pull off this style if the picture was in color. Having the title shadowed while not having it white also makes this title pop without drowning out the subtitle.

After reading this book I believe she had a Yehovah given talent with horses.

I have no knowledge about horse. I rode a horse back in grade school and read maybe read two other books about horses in my time.

I learned so much about horses and horse care though this book. There is so much passion in the writing I was pulled into her stories. As the book went on the more I began to appreciate and understand her passion with horses. The stories about her horses and dogs are so well done I could see their personalities and expressions leaping right off the page. As the book continues on it just got better and better.

Because of the way it's written, going from one horse to another, at times can be a little hard to keep track of the timeline of where she's living and about how old she is at certain times. Especially since some horses overlap timelines.

She is a strong woman with strong various farming opinions and quite a story.

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